Innovative Perspectives on Computational Intelligence and Data Science
InnoComp proceedings are intended to be published by Springer in a special volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, The series publishes quickly, informally and with high quality. Original research reported in proceedings and post-proceedings represents the core of LNCS.
Volumes published in LNCS embrace all aspects and subfields as well as new challenges in Computer Science and Systems.
The series covers the theory, applications, and perspectives on the state-of-the-art and future developments relevant to systems and networks, decision-making, control, complex processes and related areas, as embedded in the fields of interdisciplinary and applied sciences, engineering, computer science, physics, economics, social, and life sciences, as well as the paradigms and methodologies behind them.
Indexed by SCOPUS, INSPEC, WTI Frankfurt eG, zbMATH, SCImago. All submissions will be refereed by experts in the field based on originality, significance, quality and clarity.
Every submitted paper to InnoComp will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee.
Extended versions will be published in:
Papers should be submitted electronically through EquinOCS.
Submissions should be prepared following Springer’s Instructions for Authors of Proceedings, and use the LaTeX template provided below. The length should not exceed 12 pages.
No prior publication or simultaneous submission to other conferences or journals is allowed (except preprint repositories such as arXiv or workshops without formal published proceedings).